Are you lost, Do you need Guidance or are you in need of someone to help Control your weak mind ?
then Goddess Anna is the one for you, The one you imagine, your Mistress, the lady you serve, Worship ,who Take control. the one to guide you and train you also the keeper of pets and slave.
Is your weak mind strong enough for such a delicate and dedicated task or services which must be completed by Slaves and Servitudes and those weak minded stray.
I also test your status of Devotion, your Patience of Endurance.
First sign up for an Audition, A Test or screening to see if you are q**lify and worthy enough to serve me or fit in
the desired Slave Position that is open !
to secure a spot, Goddess Advice to leave a message with name, and Entry Fee as a Gift/ token .
Busy Goddess in workshop
when Available , Goddess will send applicant A feed back.
Feel lucky to be the chosen One when you receive a ticket to entry .
Are you lost, Do you need Guidance or are you in need of someone to help Control your weak mind ?
then Goddess Anna is the one for you, The one you imagine, your Mistress, the lady you serve, Worship ,who Take control. the one to guide you and train you also the keeper of pets and slave.
Is your weak mind strong enough for such a delicate and dedicated task or services which must be completed by Slaves and Servitudes and those weak minded stray.
I also test your status of Devotion, your Patience of Endurance.
First sign up for an Audition, A Test or screening to see if you are q**lify and worthy enough to serve me or fit in
the desired Slave Position that is open !
to secure a spot, Goddess Advice to leave a message with name, and Entry Fee as a Gift/ token .
Busy Goddess in workshop
when Available , Goddess will send applicant A feed back.
Feel lucky to be the chosen One when you receive a ticket to entry .
Are you lost and searching for some Direction or some one to take control of you?
feel free to stop By Goddess Academy , I will direct you and give you proper Training and take control.
am 29.02.2024
Do you find it exciting to be Watched , Filmed , Humiliated or Used ? then I am the one for you.
am 28.02.2024
I know your secrets!
am 09.08.2023
Are you A submissive Beta male, I am open to hear your Dirty Confessions.
All is Welcome!
am 26.07.2023
You ..yearn to be owned by me?
then take a dive in and come sink to the bottom of feet where you belong.
am 20.04.2023
AssWorship.....In private only !!!
am 27.07.2022
Would you like me to sit on your face for a long time?
am 23.06.2022
Looking for Subs, s***s and horny camchat.
am 22.06.2022
Cuck craving, s***m hungry Goddess..come play with me and spray me full
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